[For SALE] BEST quality Shinai, Kote and other equipments

In National Championship held on November 19, 2017, I will sell Sinai, Kote and some accessories such as Men-Himo and Do-himo.
All products can be highly recommend.
I will offer special price for those who buy on Sunday.

At the end of this article, I will tell you BIG NEWS! Let’s check all these information!


Nomal type : €55→€50

No brand.
I imported this type of shinai from Japanese traditional Shinai company.
Good quality and it meets the safety standards.
Recommended for beginners and those who want to buy bamboo sword with less cost.

Koto Type : €65→€60

Flying Dragon 飛龍 – Hiryu –

“Hiryu” means Flying Dragon

Type : Koto-style / Furnished
Male : 39 / Female : 39
One of the most popular shinai brand in Japan.
Craftsmen cut the ordinary Koto-style bamboo sword. It is finished best for competition.
Center of gravity is closer to your hand so you can feel it light like Dobari.

冴 – Sae –

Type : Koto-style / Furnished
Male : 39 / Female : 38
It is made slim as a whole. Because of it, you can feel sense of speed.
Finished Koto-Style into competition type.
“Sae” means clear or purity as ice.

Dobari type : €65→€60

最上清武 – Saijo-Seibu –

Type : Dobari / Competition-style / Furnished
Male : 38 / Female : 38
Well balanced. You feel at the top of Shinai light-weighted. It is recommended for shiai.

最上 – Saijo –

Type : Dobari / Thick Tsuka / Furnished
Male : 39 / Female : –
Well balanced. Thick Tsuka shinai.
If your hand is large, please try this type of shinai.
Some people feels not to be tired because of thick tsuka.
Center of gravity is close to your hand, it makes you to be easy to hit Ouji-waza.

Bamboo Only (Dobari/Koto) : €55→€50

There are so many type of bamboo only shinai brand.
Please check it on Sunday!



Size : M / L / LL
By using deer leather, you don’t feel to slip.


Men-himo €15
Men-himo €15
Do-himo €6

Mune Chichi-kawa <2pairs> €4
Do Chichi-kawa <2pairs> €4

Tenugui €8
(明鏡止水 / 不動心 / I-TEO-G侍 / とんぼ / 猫 / 青海波)

High quality Tuba-dome €13
Shinai-kezuri €13






I asked the owner of “LET’S KENDO” to introduce National Championship.
I will take semi-final and final tournament video and publish the result on “LET’S KENDO”.


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